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Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1)

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Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1) Empty Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1)

Post by MissKsenia Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:19 pm

Greeks traditions: mode of life/clothes

Centuries have passed since the Greeks relocated from Krimea to the North Priazovie. In the late 18th - early 19th centuries traditional occupations for the Greeks in these lands were animal husbandry and agriculture, dominated by semi-subsistence farming. Most of the needs of the family were secured by their own efforts. There were many homemade crafts, including spinning, weaving and embroidery. Sustainable preservation of traditional weaving and embroidery was due to the fact that the items were ornamented with textile production mandatory attribute of domestic life, religious, family and calendar rituals. Throughout the 19th century, they kept the traditional features: technology, species composition and ornamentation, which passed from generation to generation. This is evidenced by the museum collections.
Many scientists argue that the traditional dress of the Greeks of Priazovie formed under the influence of Ancient, Byzantine, Ottoman and Slavian civilizations. Titles of Greek clothes were created in the Crimea and have Turkish and Tatar roots. They are recorded in research and development, stored in the memory of older people, though some, unfortunately, have been lost.
Традиции греков Приазовья: быт/национальные одеяния

Прошли столетия с момента переселения в Северное Приазовье греков из Крыма. В конце 18 - начале 19 века традиционными занятиями для греков на этих землям были животноводство и земледелие, преобладало полунатуральное хозяйство. Большинство нужд семьи обеспечивалось собственными усилиями. Существовали многочисленные домашние ремесла, в том числе прядение, ткачество и вышивка. Устойчивое сохранение традиционного ткачества и вышивки было обусловлено тем, что изделия орнаментированного текстильного производства были обязательным атрибутом домашнего быта, религиозных, семейных и календарных обрядов. На протяжении 19 века в них сохранялись традиционные черты: технология, виды композиций и орнамента, которые передавались из поколения в поколение. Об этом свидетельствуют музейные коллекции.
Многие ученые утверждают, что традиционная одежда греков Приазовья сформировалась под влиянием античной, византийской, османской и славянской цивилизаций. Названия элементов греческой одежды определились еще в Крыму и имеют турецко-татарские корни. Они зафиксированы в научных исследованиях, сохранены в памяти людей пожилого возраста, а некоторые, к сожалению, вовсе утрачены.

Posts : 37
Join date : 2015-08-18
Location : Ukraine

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Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1) Empty Re: Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1)

Post by immediate94 Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:22 pm

Sure. Everyone in Priazovie must be informed with culture of our 2nd country-family. You can see some interesting in MSU and in Greeks Culture Centre near the university


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Join date : 2016-01-18

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Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1) Empty Re: Priazovie Greeks Traditions in mode of life and clothing (Part 1)

Post by IManager Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:21 am

It's a pity that we know not mush about history in this direction. At schools,colleges we learn world history. Maybe it would be better if teachers will pay some students' attention to the history of their land. I am sure, if we ask them now, whether they know that the Greeks created villages and Mariupol city in Priazovie region, most of them will say "no".


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Join date : 2016-01-18

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